速報APP / 活動 / 2018 BHPS

2018 BHPS





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本




2018 BHPS(圖1)-速報App

The third annual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit will be held December 3-4, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. NMAC believes we must highlight the role that biomedical prevention tools such as PrEP, PEP, Treatment as Prevention (TasP), and U=U have in ending the epidemic.

2018 BHPS(圖2)-速報App

The summit represents a collaboration between community-based organizations (CBOs), health departments (HDs), and national organizations. Low uptake of PrEP among communities of color presents us with serious challenges regarding the populations that will not have the advantage of the protection offered by PrEP. This meeting brings together HIV leaders to discuss, learn, and share biomedical HIV prevention interventions.

2018 BHPS(圖3)-速報App

The conversations held at the Summit will focus on the effective implementation and important infrastructure needed to turn the promise of the science into an effective community-level HIV prevention option for communities most in need.

2018 BHPS(圖4)-速報App

Download today to learn more about sessions, sponsors, exhibitors, and way you can stay connected with fellow attendees through innovative social media features.

2018 BHPS(圖5)-速報App

2018 BHPS(圖6)-速報App